On Time Fiberglass Basin Delivery
JMI delivered quality TOPP fiberglass basins to a jobsite in northeast Illinois.
Custom PVC Covers
Take a look at some before and after photos, transitioning from metal to custom PVC covers we have fashioned for a few special projects…
SpecPAK Booster Installation
This SpecPAK Booster, which was installed in an apartment complex, has a new pump system that boosted city pressure of 45 psi to a constant 70 psi.

JMI Services Install Assistance
JMI Services LLC provided install assistance on a system in the Milwaukee-Metro area. The system included (5) structural foam basins and required a tripod for the pumps.

Chopper Pump Ready for Delivery

Custom Duplex System Cover
JMI Pump Systems manufactured this duplex pump cover, which was installed in northeast Wisconsin on a Duplex Commercial Wastewater System.
Booster Pumps Ready for Delivery

Metal Cover
Here’s a before and after of a new replacement metal cover installation for a Muskego homeowner.
Northbrook Senior Living Center
Check out this before and after transformation that recently took place at a senior living center in Northbrook, Illinois. The before photo depicts the original basin cover, while the after photo illustrates a brand new JMI non-corrosive PVC cover that was installed at the facility to replace the original.
Need a new basin cover quick? Simply send a picture with the tape measure across the middle of the cover, along with a contact name and number, and we will call you back with a quote. We commit to having one ready for pick up or delivery in less than two hours!

Apartment Complex Valve Box
Here’s a valve box featuring elbow ball check valves from EkoWodrol, part of another fantastic prefab from TOPP Industries, Inc.. This will be followed up with a duplex Deming chopper pump system designed by JMI to manage a complicated wastewater stream for installation at a future 54-unit apartment complex in Madison, WI. What detail!
Wisconsin Municipal Treatment Plant Clean Water Booster Pumps
After making a presentation to a Wisconsin-based national engineering firm, JMI Pump Systems submitted a bid to provide clean water booster pumps to a southern Wisconsin municipal wastewater treatment plant. Upon acceptance of the bid by the engineering firm, JMI and Poseidon Pak designed and constructed simplex, duplex, and triplex pump systems. The booster pumps will service multiple areas of the facility, meeting the client’s specifications and the plants application requirements.

Handmade Pump Cover
Check out the very first JMI designed and produced C48DSATD. Featuring the largest possible tear drop access covers pitched in at 6.04 degrees, the product is designed to be made on a CNC machine, but this one was made by hand.
12' Deep Basin
Need a TOPP Industries, Inc. basin over 12’ deep? Yes, we’ve got it. Keep in mind – you might want to grab an extra shovel.

Snow Making Booster Pump
This booster pump package from JMI Pump Systems is destined to help make snow.
Parking Garage – Wheaton, IL