Trench drains are long drains placed in a trench containing a trough or channel-shaped body to drain water, fluids, chemicals or other liquids. They come in a variety of widths, lengths, and grate covers, depending on the application, whether commercial, industrial, or residential. Here is a brief overview of trench drain materials and their uses.
- Cast-iron: Strong and durable, commonly used in areas with heavy traffic (warehouses/vehicle service facilities, parking garages, etc.).
- Ductile: Higher in strength than cast-iron, ductile applications include industrial and road drainage.
- Stainless steel: Used in applications where chemicals or other corrosive material will be draining. Also appropriate for use where sanitary conditions are specified, such as food manufacturing or service facilities.
- Polypropylene (thermoplastic polymer): This is a non-metallic flexible material that resists most chemicals. Lightweight and easy to handle, it’s appropriate for use around swimming pools (barefoot traffic), animal shelters or pet-care facilities, greenhouses, driveways, and more.
- Fiberglass: Durable and lightweight, it also provides high strength and does not corrode. It is often used in industrial, food and beverage, and marine environments.
Grates come in a variety of figurations, again depending on the application. A sidewalk, vehicle, or pedestrian grates are often cosmetically pleasing and come with certain options. For example, a grate that must comply with the American Disabilities Act requires a half-inch or narrower opening perpendicular to the direction of travel. Heel proof grates in pedestrian walkways need to have openings less than 5/16 inch in width.
A number of U.S. Standards refer to grate loading with classifications A to F. For example, a Load Class A would be for residential and light pedestrian traffic (3,372 lbs./44.70 psi) while a Load Class F encompasses aircraft runways, docks, heavy industrial, and very heavy wheel loads (202,320 lbs./2,659-4,177psi).
At Jim Murry Inc., we can help you properly select your drain system. This would be based on…
- the type of traffic traveling over the top of the trench drain.
- the type of material entering the drain.
- site restrictions.
- the required flow rate per section of draining channel and its distribution.
- appropriate capacity for condition.
- appropriate load class grate.
We have a large selection and volume of inventory available for shipment today. For more information on trench drains, contact us at 800-234-5490 or